Quake II (Limited Edition Deluxe Double Vinyl)
Quake II (Limited Edition Deluxe Double Vinyl) Quake II (Limited Edition Deluxe Double Vinyl)

Quake II (Limited Edition Deluxe Double Vinyl)

$ 42.00
Quake II (Original Soundtrack)

Sonic Mayhem

Product information:
• Exclusive Limited Edition: two solid red and orange A-side/B-side effect LPs
• 19 tracks from the 1997 first-person shooter
• Sleeve artwork by id Software and Jason Williford


    Laced Records, id Software and Bethesda proudly present the music of seminal 1997 first-person shooter Quake II on vinyl.

    19 specially remastered tracks by Sonic Mayhem and Jer Sypult will be pressed onto heavyweight discs. Sleeve artwork is by id Software, with Jason Williford providing character illustrations.

    The bulk of the soundtrack was created by Sascha Dikiciyan aka Sonic Mayhem and his then production partner, David Alexander — their first game project among an enviably long credits list. Having caught id Software’s ear with unofficial Quake album "Methods of Destruction", Sonic Mayhem went on to develop Quake II’s trademark aggro-industrial metal sound. The killer riffs, repeated for effect, urge players forward through the Strogg city and beyond, a trail of gibs in their wake. Jer Sypult’s “Climb” complements the selection with its driving industrial groove.

    *All images shown here are mock-ups.*

    Track List

    DISC 1
    SIDE A
    Operation Overlord
    Kill Ratio
    March Of The Stroggs
    The Underworld

    SIDE B
    Quad Machine
    Big Gun
    Descent Into Cerberon
    Climb (Composed by Jer Sypult)

    DISC 2
    SIDE A
    Gravity Well
    Counter Attack
    Stealth Frag
    Crashed Up Again
    Adrenaline Junkie

    SIDE B
    Complex 13
    Pressure Point I
    Pressure Point II
    Ground Zero